Through DreamWakers’ partnership with the U.S. State Department’s Office of Public Affairs, last fall we connected Foreign Service Officer Dan Mehring — who is based in Baghdad, Iraq — with #DreamTeacher Valencia Angles’ class in Richlands, Virginia.
After a positive first flashchat experience earlier in the year, Dan offered to host a second, but unfortunately the class had to cancel due to a snow day. While attempting to reschedule, Dan mentioned he would be returning to Washington, D.C. from Iraq in April for a brief vacation and would like to meet the students, not online, but in person!
On April 4, he drove six hours from D.C. to meet Ms. Angles’ #DreamStudents in Southwest Virginia to speak with them face-to-face about his role as a diplomat representing the United States abroad, the unique experiences he’s had traveling the world, and how students could begin now to pursue careers in public service.
The day after the chat, host teacher Valencia Angles wrote to DreamWakers: “Having Dan here yesterday was a once in a lifetime experience. Never has this area had such an event. I’ve had students coming to me this morning telling me that they talked about it all evening at home and are still talking about it today. Parents sent me messages well into the evening.” The Bluefield Daily Telegraph came to cover the historic exchange, and we’re excited to be able to share their coverage with you here.
We love doing our part to connect classrooms to a world of new careers!